A baby swan is just born into the world
covered by clean,
smooth, pure, feathers
With wings not strong enough to fly yet
she sits, floating on the water's blue surface
with ease
Not influenced by hunting or hurricane season
the swan swims with grace and a head held high
by pride
Afraid of nothing she swims into unknown water
Surrounded by tall green brush she sings with joy
not knowing that behind the brush is a world of
dark skies
filled with loud thunder storms and gunfire from
These beasts howl and hackle
at the sight of the baby swan but have never had
the right
to hunt for her
threatened by her beauty they fire their guns,
the existence
of the pure innocent young blood
desperate but too weak to fly away she struggles
swim fast enough in waters that have become dark
and thick with thirst to claim a new life with
now ruffled and grimy feathers she flees for
away from the world she once knew as accepting
A baby swan who once sang in joy and happiness
now hides behind thorns of tall restricting
Never knowing how to fly she becomes weaker
and her song becomes almost lost in silence.
Petrified by the storms blowing in and the light
disappearing, she becomes lost.
Blinded by darkness now she swims with fear
Unaware of her surroundings
Sounds of howling and hackling along with
thunder and gunshots still fill the air.
Barely dodging everything she becomes tired
Out of breath and lame from scrutiny she is
floating above deep, pitch dark waters still
for her life
Beaten by solitary confinement her mind wanders
Thinking of the worst her mind only goes
deeper into insanity
Starved of light her soul goes to the color of
the night
and deprived of joy, her happiness fades into the
of grey hovering the water of toxicity she now
floats upon
As the gunfire from the monsters becomes louder
and the sound of thunder from the storms becomes
overbearing she loses her hearing
She’s Now barely alive in a weak frail skeleton
calls her body.
blinded by darkness and
deaf from howling, hackling,
gunfire, and thunder she hits her breaking point
Driven to the point of no return she falls
to the beast’s idea of self harm
She sees no point of her life
She contemplates self drowning
in the waters now controlled by monsters
driven only by the idea to please society
In the world she thought was good
she saw bad
In the world she thought was pure
she saw poison
In the world she thought was safe
she saw danger
In the world she thought was joyful
she saw depression
In the world she thought had courage
she saw meekness
In the world she thought accepted
she felt outcasted
In the world she thought was beautiful
she saw ugly
In the world she thought had peace
she saw war
In the world she thought had happiness
she saw negativity
In the world she thought had light
she saw darkness
In the world she thought had freedom
she saw incarceration
In the world she thought had serenity
she saw chaos
In the world she thought had love
she saw hate
Now, moments away from ending her once innocent
she lets out one last song
With all her strength she gathers the ability to
sing one note
That note was filled with more than she could
ever imagine
Encrypted in her song was the
cry for help the ones she loved
needed to hear
Her message was small but had the strength
to be carried for miles in the darkness
Flocks of help came flyinging in like
a beacon of light
with strength in numbers her once
weak and frail body became strong and filled
with the power of self confidence
Now fully grown with morale she swims
in clear blue waters with grace and poise
Not afraid to be be herself she sings
loud and floats with reassurance
strong enough to fly she spreads
her golden pearl wings
like a chariot they carry her through the sky
Flying through the air she soars
in her freedom
embracing her life she takes chances
and isn't afraid to fall
she knows the scars of failing
will eventually only make her even stronger
With the joy of life bright in her
eyes she makes the most of her dark experience
The evils no longer taunt her
The monsters no longer hunt her
The storm no longer scares her
The water no longer drowns her
The thorns no longer trap her
She realizes the world she once thought
to be covered by dark gray storms and filled
with monsters who crave her blood no longer
Once the monsters saw the beautiful light
radiating from her soul they ran in fear
The air was no longer filled with
hacking and howling
Once the storm saw her courage to fly
it blew away in the strong wind from her
Her now clear skies were filled with the
bright yellow sun
that brings warmth on her glowing white
coat of feathers
The love from her support system
surrounds her with a shield of comfort
ready to help defend her if she needs it
If times ever get dark again she knows
that the howling from the monsters can’t get to
Out of all the hard times
the once baby swan who grew
into an outstanding swan
The world was good
The world was pure
The world was safe
The world was joyful
The world had courage
The world was accepting
The world was beautiful
The world was peaceful
The world did have happiness
The world was filled with light
The world did have freedom
The world was filled with serenity
The world was filled with love.