Thursday, March 8, 2018

"Seltzer Water" by Sweet Tea

Today I am going to discuss the benefits of sparkling water; also known commonly as fizzy water, or seltzer. But, my friends have acquired a whole new nickname for this bubbly sensation. They call it “sin water”. I am here today to dispel the myths about sparkling water and redeem its place in the ladder of drinks. The seltzer that I drink most often is Wegmans’ brand seltzer; with the flavor, “lime”. This is not the only brand of seltzer that is put out there for the common public. There is La croix, and San Pellegrino. However, these are brands that do not have much taste. It is not a secret that most sparkling water has a more bland taste, with the fizziness being the prime factor. This seems to be why most people do not like it. They believe that the fizziness overpowers the flavor of the lime, or any fruit.

Another reason that people do not enjoy sparkling water, is that it can seem like soda, but then fakes you out, and is not. “It’s almost bitter, and tasteless”- (Michelle Tran). “It feels weird in my mouth” (Guru Fateh Khalsa). “Why- why would you drink it, when you could drink soda” (Jawad Khan).

As you can see, most people have a problem with it, just because it has no taste. What doesn’t occur to the common folk is that they can change the flavor. With things such as Mio drops, they can alter the taste of regular water, which, seltzer is. Also, there are other flavors and brands of sparkling water that most people do not know exist. These brands, such as Zero, or Ice. They are, in fact, sparkling water brands. They are, seltzer. They are just more flavorful seltzer. This is a very humorous trend, as most people consider it soda, when in fact, it is sparkling water. Just because something is flavored, does not change the fact that it is a particular substance.

Another reason why sparkling water is not “sin water”, is because it has many health benefits, especially for women. Some benefits include better calcium retention, and no negative effects on bone health; in fact, research has been done to show that carbonated water can actually improve bone health. From Harvard University, it was proven that carbonated water was associated with having more Bone Mass Density (BMD), than caffeinated drinks such as soda. People who drank caffeine (in this case, Coca Cola), were shown to have a lower BMD than the people who drank seltzer.

In conclusion, the people who drank seltzer for 8 weeks were compared to other people drinking non-carbonated water, and the urine test came out the same, so, seltzer water is a healthier alternative to soda, and can make you healthy and strong. In conclusion, Sparkling water is a staple drink in many communities, and should be regarded as the wonderful, fizzy, drink that it is. It is not sin water, and some people should check their facts, before they assume.

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