My little
sister was born on October 23rd, 2014. I’m not exactly sure what hospital she
was born in, I believe it was Inova Fairfax hospital, but that’s not very
important to this piece. Anyway, my mother and father named this monstrosity,
Aleyda Benitez.
actually didn’t want a little sister, but one knows how parents are. They
always seem to surprise you with something new. That being said, when they
announced that they were bringing a little girl into the world. I wasn’t
exactly happy.
It was my
freshman year when my little sister was born. I knew it wasn’t going to benefit
me one bit. For the first few months I told my parents I didn’t like her. They
were in disbelief, but that’s just how it was for me. I thought that my
brothers and I were good enough, but I supposed that wasn’t the case. I just
didn’t see the reason as to why they needed another child. There were already
three of us, yet they wanted a fourth. It just baffled me on how much money it
would cost and I deemed it a waste of money. After all, having to buy those
diapers and baby formula isn’t cheap. Not only that, but needing someone to
take care of a child was also another factor that led to the dislike of my
sister. I don’t recall who took care of her when she was little. I think she
would just lay on a pillow while I played NBA 2K15 in front of her. Ahh...those
were the days.
forward a couple years. She began to learn how to walk. That’s when she truly
began to get on my nerves. She would get into everything and make a mess.
However, it’s not to the same degree as it is now (which is worse). It was a
lot more cleaner, but now she spills things on purpose and even writes on the
walls. It’s just very aggravating. She also gets hurt a lot too. She’s blindly
walked into hot coal and got these huge, green, grotesque blisters on her feet.
They were not pretty. My mom ended up blaming me despite there being like five
people around where Aleyda had walked. Yet, I was still the reason for why she
has pink scars on her feet (according to my mom). That’s the thing though, if
you’re gonna have children, don’t make other kids watch them. That’s like
eating a tide pod, disastrous.
my little sister had slipped on the ice, and busted her head open. I wasn’t
there (thank god), but her eye had swollen and gotten black. It was kinda
shocking at first, but the more I looked at her, the funnier it became. On her
left side it would look like she was really tired and sleepy because of the
swelling. However, on the right side she was wide awake. It’s a lot better now,
but she still has a scar above her eyelid where she had busted her face open.
Although, even if that scar doesn’t remind her about that time. I still have
some pictures to show her when she’s older.
Even with
all the things she does I can’t really hate her. I just get extremely mad at
her. She’s grown on me to be honest. I love her. She’s my little sister. No
matter what happens.